
An opinionated implementation of the Command pattern for Ruby applications. Cuprum wraps your business logic in a consistent, object-oriented interface and features status and error management, composability and control flow management.


A Cuprum::Result is a data object that encapsulates the result of calling a Cuprum command. Each result has a #value, an #error object (defaults to nil), and a #status (either :success or :failure, and accessible via the #success? and #failure? predicates).

result =

result.value    #=> nil
result.error    #=> nil
result.status   #=> :success
result.success? #=> true
result.failure? #=> true

Creating a result with a value stores the value.

value  = 'A result value'.freeze
result = value)

result.value    #=> 'A result value'
result.error    #=> nil
result.status   #=> :success
result.success? #=> true
result.failure? #=> false

Creating a Result with an error stores the error and sets the status to :failure.

error  = "I'm sorry, something went wrong.")
result = error)
result.value    #=> nil
result.error    #=> Error with message "I'm sorry, something went wrong."
result.status   #=> :failure
result.success? #=> false
result.failure? #=> true

Although using a Cuprum::Error instance as the :error is recommended, it is not required. You can use a custom error object, or just a string message.

result = "I'm sorry, something went wrong.")
result.value    #=> nil
result.error    #=> "I'm sorry, something went wrong."
result.status   #=> :failure
result.success? #=> false
result.failure? #=> true

Finally, the status can be overridden via the :status keyword.

result = :failure)
result.error    #=> nil
result.status   #=> :failure
result.success? #=> false
result.failure? #=> true

error  = "I'm sorry, something went wrong.")
result = error, status: :success)
result.error    #=> Error with message "I'm sorry, something went wrong."
result.status   #=> :success
result.success? #=> true
result.failure? #=> false

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